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UNKO'S GARAGE Gentlemens Club Hooded Sweatshirt
UNKO'S GARAGE Gentlemens Club Hooded Sweatshirt

UNKO'S GARAGE Gentlemens Club Hooded Sweatshirt

$ 85.99

We don't have a strip club on Maui. Honestly. But what we do have is whole lotta ingenuity. It's a wonder what A PVC pipe bolted into the ceiling and floor of your uncles garage can become. Make a few calls to some BACKSPACE (RIP) ads or some Craiglist listings, sprinkle in some batu (thats crystal meth, haoles) and pent up sexual tension and voilà you've got a make shift strip club. ENJOY?

Printed on BROWN  IND4000 INDEPENDENT 10oz Hoodies (The BEST FUCKING Hoody Blank. PERIOD. With  Peach Ink. 

Shitty Art by Cliff Graham

Instagram: @rollingdeathmaui